Silence enhances our ability to think straight, ponder deeply, expand our consciousness and access insight and intuition.

A period of 5 hours has been deemed optimum for maximum experience in our community of Quiet. It gives time for people to make a comfortable transition from, and back to, their usual activities and responsibilities. The feelings of calm are enhanced by remaining in a quiet state for this extended period.  

Structure of 5 hour program

  • Participants are led into the experience of Stillness Meditation for the first hour

  • The next hour is a time for quiet reflection and contemplation where one may wish to sit, walk, daydream, read from our library or books you bring, write, draw or any other non-distracting activity.

  • Refreshments are provided during an hour of live classical music. Participants remain in silence.

  • The next period of time is again spent in quiet reflection, as before.

  • The quiet time ends with Stillness Meditation for the final half-hour.

The Practice of Quiet gives you the experience of being a “nobody” for 5 hours whilst supported by the Director and the presence of others.




The Practice of Quiet is conducted in places that encourage a sense of composure. Some sites will be of architectural, artistic or aesthetic significance. Most are held in inner city locations, some adjacent to open space, with occasional quiet experiences offered in country venues.

If you have knowledge of, or access to, buildings and gardens you think would provide an ideal setting for The Practice of Quiet, we would be grateful to hear from you.

Please note: The fee will vary according to the venue chosen.